How to Create New Station
Copy and paste the existing crafting station codes.
Config.Crafting = {
[1] = {
coordinates = vector3(-2117.439453125, 3230.4172363281, 31.810297012329),
heading = 234.7921,
CraftingStationName = "Police Crafting",
theme = "theme2",
blip = {
enable = true,
blipID = 89,
blipText = "Crafting",
blipColor = 3,
blipScale = 0.5,
MenuSetting = {
TargetLabel = "Open Crafting",
icon = "fa-solid fa-hammer", --
Jobs = { -- if job = {} then anyone can access it
["police"] = { 1, 2, 3 },
["ambulance"] = { 1, 3 },
["mechanic"] = { "everyone" }, -- If set to "everyone", any grade of users with this job can access it and if job = {} then anyone can access it
Table = {
spawnTable = true, -- If true, a table will spawn at the coordinates
propName = "gr_prop_gr_bench_02a",
coords = vector3(-2117.439453125, 3230.4172363281, 31.810297012329),
heading = 234.7921,
items = {
itemName = "weapon_assaultrifle_mk2",
itemLabel = "Assault Rifle",
level = 9,
xp = 3,
MaxAmount = 5,
img = "weapon_assaultrifle_mk2",
SuccessPercentage = 30, -- 100 = 100% success rate
disable = false, -- If disable = true, items will only be visible once players reach the required level, and they can only be crafted if the player has the necessary ingredients. If disable = false, items will be visible by default.
AdditionalItems = { -- if you don't want additional items, set it to AdditionalItems = {}
itemName = "lockpick",
ItemLabel = "Lockpick",
count = 1,
itemName = "water_bottle",
ItemLabel = "Water",
count = 1,
Ingredients = {
label = "Money",
name = "money", -- item name and img name
amount = 20,
remove = false, -- If set to false, the item will not be removed from the player's inventory.
label = "Iron",
name = "iron",
amount = 2,
remove = true,
category = "weapon",
time = 0.1,
itemName = "weapon_bat",
itemLabel = "Baseball Bat",
level = 8,
xp = 3,
MaxAmount = 1,
img = "weapon_bat",
SuccessPercentage = 50,
disable = true,
AdditionalItems = {
itemName = "water_bottle",
ItemLabel = "Water",
count = 1,
Ingredients = {
label = "water",
name = "water_bottle",
amount = 1,
remove = true,
label = "Iron",
name = "iron",
amount = 2,
remove = true,
category = "weapon",
time = 0.1,
itemName = "weapon_heavypistol",
itemLabel = "Heavy Pistol",
level = 9,
xp = 2,
MaxAmount = 2,
img = "weapon_heavypistol",
SuccessPercentage = 3,
disable = true,
AdditionalItems = {},
Ingredients = {
label = "Weapon Barrel",
name = "weapon_barrel",
amount = 1,
remove = true,
label = "Heavy Pistol Blueprint",
name = "bp_weapon_pistol",
amount = 1,
remove = true,
category = "weapon",
time = 10,
Last updated