
  1. Download the purchased resource from keymaster - the official site of fivem with purchased resources.

  2. Unzip the g-pausemenu

  3. Create a Folder - In your resources directory, create a new folder and name it [g-scripts]if it has not already been created.

  4. Drag g-pausemenu in to [g-scripts]


Add this line in your server.cfg file

ensure [g-scripts]


For this resource, it will automatically inject into your SQL. If you don't want it to auto-inject, you can turn it off in the config. To manually enter it, go to -> g-pausemenu -> -> -> g_pausemenu.sql


We have different Five themes. You can find them in -> g-pausemenu -> src -> theme -> theme.lua. You can also add your own theme colors there.

Last updated