Config = {}
Config.settings = {
Language = "en", -- en - English, ta -tamil, cs - Czech, da - Danish, es - Spanish, fr - French, hi - Hindi, it - Italian, ko - Korean, ml - Malayalam, pl - Polish, tw - Taiwanese
Debug = false,
MenuTitleLabel = 'CREATE GIFT CARD',
DiscordWebhook = '', -- Discord Webhook
Notify = 'ox_lib', -- esx | qb-core | ox_lib
EnableProgressbar = true,
ProgressBarDuration = 5000,
itemname = 'g_giftcard',
methodsname = { -- payment methods names, not LABEL
[1] = 'cash',
[2] = 'bank',
OnlyJobPlayerCanUse = false, -- if true, only job players can use
Jobs = {
['police'] = { 1, 2 },
['ambulance'] = { 1, 2, 3 },
['mechanic'] = { 1, 2, 3 }
OpenMenuCmd = 'c-giftcard',
help = 'Gives an giftcard to a player',
MaxAmount = 50000, -- max amount, player can only create this amount
-- Add blacklisted players; it will block the character id, not the license.
BlackListedPlayers = {
-- QB-CORE - citizenid, ESX - identifier
[1] = '',
-- [2] = '',
Last updated