Config = {}
Config.settings = {
CheckForUpdates = true,
-- en - English | es - SPANISH | fr - FRENCH | hi - HINDI | ko - KOREAN | ml - MALAYALAM | ta - TAMIL | tr - TURKISH | zh - CHINESE
Language = "en",
Debug = false,
currency = "$", -- currency symbol NOTE: just a label
enableSystem = true, -- if true, player will be able to buy vehicle
enableConfirmationMessageBeforeBuy = false, -- if true, player will be popup the confirm message before buy
OneTimeBought = false, -- If true, the player will be able to buy the same vehicle only once
RemoveMoneyFrom = "cash", -- bank | cash
Notify = "ox_lib", -- esx | qb-core | ox_lib | custom
Target = "textui", -- 'qb-target' | 'ox-target' | 'textui' | 'custom' ```lua - I wouldn’t recommend using textui [idle ms 0.02]
WaitTime = 5, -- in seconds | only if Target = 'textui'
EnablePeds = true,
-- Tablet config
EnableVehicleMangementMenu = true, -- if true, player will be able to open vehicle management menu
DeleteDataTime = 1, -- in seconds -- delete vehicle cooldowns Note: default should be 1 second
PanelItemName = 'veh_mangement_tablet',
OpenVehicleManagementPanel = "item", -- 'item' || 'command' -- you wanna open management panel with command or item?
PanelCommandName = "vehmanage"
Config.MoneyType = {
-- You can change it depending on your framework, and you also need to update it in the bridge
cash = "cash",
bank = "bank"
Config.Garage = {
-- QBCore - pillboxgarage | ESX - SanAndreasAvenue - you can change it
defaultParking = "pillboxgarage" -- defaultParking
-- Management Panel Configurations
Config.ManagementPanelConfig = {
['police'] = {
grades = {2, 3, 4}, -- who can access the management panel
-- ['jobname'] = {
-- grades = {0, 2},
-- title = "Panel names"
-- }
Config.VehicleShops = {
["police"] = { -- job name
MenuConfig = {
title = "Police Vehicle Shop", -- menu label
icon = "fa-solid fa-car", -- icon
TargetCoords = {
vec3(445.1023, -977.7159, 30.6896),
vec3(431.2261, -977.4242, 30.7106)
-- add more if you need
PedCoords = {
vector4(445.1023, -977.7159, 30.6896, 95.0124),
vector4(431.2261, -977.4242, 30.7106, 21.0814)
-- add more if you need
PedModel = "s_m_y_cop_01" -- ped model
AuthorizedVehicles = {
[1] = { -- index = grade
-- 1st grade
vehicles = {
model = "police3",
label = "Police 3",
price = 1,
type = "car" -- The type of vehicle, whether 'car' or 'air', depends on your garage.
}, {
model = "police2",
label = "Police 2",
price = 20000,
type = "car"
-- add more if you want
[2] = { -- 2th grade
vehicles = {{
model = "police3",
label = "Police 3",
price = 1,
type = "car"
}, {
model = "police2",
label = "Police 2",
price = 2000,
type = "car"
}, {
model = "maverick",
label = "Maverick",
price = 10000,
type = "air"
DiscordLogs = {
enable = true, -- true or false
webhook = "", -- add your discord webhook here
Labels = {
Title = "Police Vehicle Shop Log",
embedColor = 16711680 -- embed color code
-- create more shops if you need
Last updated