How to Create offduty / onduty jobs / grades example
-- Jobs Table
-- Format: (job_name, label, whitelisted)
-- job_name: Unique identifier for the job.
-- label: Display name for the job.
-- whitelisted: 0 for non-whitelisted, 1 for whitelisted (restricted access).
INSERT INTO `jobs` (`name`, `label`, `whitelisted`) VALUES
-- job 1
('offpolice', 'Off Duty Police', 0),
('police', 'LSPD', 0),
-- job 2
('offambulance', 'Off Duty Doctor', 0),
('ambulance', 'LSMD', 0),
-- Job Grades Table
-- Each job_name should have a corresponding off-duty version (e.g., 'police' and 'offpolice').
-- Format: (id, job_name, grade, name, label, salary, skin_male, skin_female)
-- id: Unique identifier for each grade entry.
-- job_name: The name of the job associated with this grade.
-- grade: The rank level within the job (e.g., 0, 1, 2).
-- name: Internal identifier for the grade.
-- label: Display name for the grade.
-- salary: The salary for the grade level.
-- skin_male, skin_female: JSON objects defining male and female skins for the grade (use '{}' if not defined).
INSERT INTO `job_grades` (`id`, `job_name`, `grade`, `name`, `label`, `salary`, `skin_male`, `skin_female`) VALUES
-- grade 1
(1, 'police', 3, 'advance', 'Advance', 1000, '{}', '{}'),
(2, 'offpolice', 3, 'advanced', 'Advance OFF DUTY', 20, '{}', '{}'),
-- grade 2
(3, 'police', 2, 'constable', 'Constable', 0, '{}', '{}'),
(4, 'offpolice', 2, 'constable', 'Constable OFF DUTY', 10, '{}', '{}'),